My Martini Moment

Rhubarb Basil Smash

It’s the first week of May which means it’s the first week of my birthday month! Not that I’m excited to get older, but I do plan to age gracefully even if I don’t want it to happen. So, in honor of my quickly approaching birthday I have decided that this week is COCKTAIL WEEK on The fast fashionista!

To kick off the week, I thought I would start with Rhubarb. When it comes to this time of year I always love to make different things with this very spring vegetable.

For the Rhubarb Syrup:

First, chop about 2 cups of rhubarb into something close to one inch pieces. Then add rhubarb, and equal parts of water and sugar (or Stevia which is what I used) to a pot and bring mixture to a boil and then let simmer for about ten minutes. Keep stirring and once done strain and you’re done!

what you do:

Rub a fresh basil leaf around the rim and at the bottom of a cocktail shaker muddle 8 basil leaves with the lemon juice. Then, add in gin, syrup, and ice. Shake, shake, shake! Strain into a glass full of ice. Garnish with rhubarb and basil.

Get ready to Cheers all week long! I’ve been shaking and mixing up some fun cocktails for you!

Derby Drinks

Happy last day of April and happy derby weekend!


I’ve been one busy and exhausted Mama as of late but I had to get drink makin’ for this weekend! Being that MK is a very big bourbon collector, and even that would be an understatement, I couldn’t let the weekend pass without showing you how to make a proper Mint Julep. I showed you how to make one about four years ago but everyone can use a little refresher right? Obviously this is the undisputed most popular drink of horse-racing. An easy one to make, too!


what you do:

First, in a Julep cup (which I don’t have) or in a rocks glass, muddle the mint leaves with the simple syrup. Make sure you don’t break up the mint just bruise it enough to allow them to realize the aromatic oils. Then, add bourbon and fill glass halfway with ice. Stir until the outside is frosty and add more ice. Garnish with mint.

So, do you know what today is? It’s The Kentucky Oaks! This race takes place the day before The Kentucky Derby. More Juleps? Nope! This race has it’s very own drink called The Oaks Lily. This cocktail has a pretty pink color as a nod to the stargazer lilies that are placed on the winning horse, not to mention this race is associated with breast cancer awareness. When you head to this race get your pink attire out and of course a really fancy pink hat.


what you do:

Simply add vodka, orange liqueur, cranberry, lemon juice, and simple syrup into a highball glass, then fill with ice and stir. Garnish with blackberries and a lemon wheel.


Hope you all have a fantastic Derby weekend!

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A Balsamic Blast

We made it to Friday, Guys!

In my opinion that’s something to celebrate. I don’t know about your, but after the week I’ve had I’m ready for a drink! If you follow me on social media at all then you know I drink Freixenet champagne quite frequently. It’s been a long time favorite of mine. Recently (that I know of) they are producing a Prosecco. I knew I had to create a drink recipe this week that included it.


Today I’m making a Balsamic Basil Strawberry Fizz. But before we get into the drink details first we have to talk syrup.

what you do:

Simply add everything to a small saucepan and simmer for about 5-7 minutes. Then, strain into a small container. Wait for it to cool before use.

On to the drink recipe!

Okay so as I’ve said I deeply love a fizzy drink. Definitely my favorite. Once you make the syrup, this drink is so easy and fast to throw together.


Add vodka, syrup, and lemon juice to a glass. Then, add as much Prosecco as you’d like and then a small drizzle of balsamic. Make sure it is more of a syrup instead of something like a dressing.

So what’s a “balsamic garnish”?


This is something I just learned about myself. A small drizzle of good quality balsamic vinegar can make a drink more savory and add such depth to your cocktail. I built this drink around the balsamic flavor. Every Spring I start adding strawberries to everything! This drink is so perfect for sips on the patio or if these Spring temps are too low, sitting room sips will due until we can get outside.

I hope your weekend is full of fun and makes you feel fabulously bubbly!

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