Chic & Cozy

Let me start off by saying two things. First, this was not meant to be a Kilgore dog photo shoot but it just kind of happened because they must be in my face at all times. Second, before I start this post I know damn well none of us need to love our beds any more than we already do. Having said that lets talk about things you can do to make your bed your one true oasis. Even with my dressing room, my favorite place in the house is in my bed. Here are my tips for making your bed so cozy chic.

  • In the winter, flannel sheets. In the summer, Egyptian Cotton. Do it you won't regret it.
  • I've said it once, I'll say it again. Make your bed every day! There is nothing better than crawling into bed that is made and pretty than sheets all over the place and sloppy.
  • Splurge on pretty throw pillows.
  • A faux fur throw will add chic, cozy and it so soft!


  • Fold your sheets under your mattress. This way at night you won't get tangled in sheets.
  • Tuck your comforter so that you can see the details of your bed (if there are any).

Seriously guys, my bed is life. I think at this point it's too comfortable...

On to this week's drink recipe. I'm about to get sappy ...  

This week, I'm making a "Whiskey and Wine". When I was perusing drink recipes I came across this and thought "It's mine and MK's favorite drinks made into one!". You see, as I sound completely cliché, that man completes me. So I'm cheersing to him this week for being the amazing man he is.

Here is how you can make this drink: 

4 oz red wine

2 oz whiskey  

1 tbsp Triple Sec

1 tbsp lemon juice

Simply mix everything and serve at room temperature.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
