Let’s Bowl

Hey, hey, Friends! Happy Wednesday!

It might seem a little cliché to eat healthy at the start of a new year but it’s more of a lifestyle for me and I’ve been seeing a lot of bashing at the moment online about already not making the goals you set. Rude. Every single day is a new day and if you’re at least trying then good for you.

Two things about me: I’m typically a very healthy eater and I’m an over preparer. I also discovered last year that eating a mostly plant based diet makes me feel so good for a number of reasons. I experimented a lot with that way of living last summer. I have one day a week where I eat whatever I feel like. But I think dairy is out to get me.

Anyway. I meal prep on Sunday’s much of the time. If you’re trying to get a little healthier or would just like to save time, throwing together a lunch bowl is a very easy way to eat a healthy, fast lunch. Today I’m sharing one of my absolute favorites.

what you do:

  1. Roast sweet potatoes and broccoli in the oven on about 400. Let them cook until the sweet potatoes are tender.

  2. With the edamame, I took the easy way out and just made a frozen bag of them.

  3. For the chickpeas, I used some that were already roasted to save time. But you can always roast them yourself too.

  4. Lastly throw everything together and split up evenly if you’re meal prepping. Add the avocado right before eating.

    Life hack? I always have avocado cups in the fridge for things such as this.

This meal is very filling and easy to throw together. Which is what we all need, right? Healthy and fast is the name of my game. Except when it’s decadent and slow. Ha. Typical Gemini here.

Thanks for stopping by today!