Perla Blue — Fast Fashionista

Perla Blue

Perla is the newest member of The Kilgore Family! On Friday MK and I ventured to Amish Country to pick up this lovable Siberian Husky. We are totally in love! How is Donatella feeling about all this? She loves having someone to play with. Watching the two of them play is absolutely hilarious!

Where did her name come from? Since Donatella's name came from a designer I wanted to find another name that also came from a designer as well. Also one that flowed well with her sisters name. I don't think it's any secret that I'm a big fan of high end lingerie, especially La Perla. But that isn't the only thing. In Italian Perla means pearl, which working in a jewelry store and loving pearls it makes it a win-win!

Here is our first time holding her! I was so excited to get in the car and take her home!

This here is Perla's brother!

Of course we just had to do a Sister photo shoot! Enjoy!