starting fresh — Blog — Fast Fashionista

starting fresh

Hello 2017!

Happy New Year Everyone!!! 

I've been taking in the last moments of 2016, enjoying every second, and bracing myself for a new year. I absolutely love when a new year greets us. Seventeen was my favorite number as a kid so here's hoping for a good year. New Years is always a time of reflection, 2016 was very interesting for me. One of my favorite parts of the past year was that I took the big step of quitting my job and working solely for our own company. I'm a huge House Of Cards fan and one of my favorite quotes from it is "If you don't like the way the table it set, turn over the table." That really struck a cord with me and its something I think I'll always carry with me. Thanks Frank Underwood. 

That's a big thing I feel that I've learned from 2016 and will take with me into the new year, no one is in charge of your life but you. Own it and believe in you. So it may sound a little cliche but I love resolutions no matter what time of year it may be, but a new one is a perfect opportunity.

So here are mine:

More love

More parties

More me time

Less obsession for perfection

More date nights

Much more creating (more on that later)

More travel

More adventures


So here's to a new year, new possibilities, and not a new, but better you. I hope to help with that even just a bit. I'm all about bettering myself, I hope this is a little place for you to stop for your little dose of glam.

Cheers friends and thank you for stopping by!


p.s. I made the skirt so I had to use another photo. Haha!


Cheers To A New Year

Some really great things happened in 2015.

Having said that, I am happy to leave it in the dust.  Who doesn't love the idea of a fresh start? I have always looked forward to this holiday for that exact reason. Normally I have such a huge list of things to change and goals to achieve but this year I am going to take it easy and keep it simple.

I give you my list of resolutions for 2016:


I hope that this evening and year brings you a drink in hand, good company, and a ton of happy.

Ready or not here we come 2016! Happy New Year!


What is Glamour?

I sit down at my desk, pull up Google, and type:

What is glamour?

As usual Google didn't disappoint. 




noun: glamour; noun: glamor

  1. the attractive or exciting quality that makes certain people or things seem appealing or special.

    "the glamour of Monte Carlo"

    synonyms:allureattractionfascinationcharmmagicromancemystique,exoticism, spell; More

    • beauty or charm that is sexually attractive.

      "George had none of his brother's glamour"

      synonyms:beautyallure, attractiveness; More

    • archaic

      enchantment; magic.

      "that maiden, made by glamour out of flowers"

What did I take away from this definition? Charm, allure but most importantly magic. Who wouldn't want more of all of this in their life? Sometimes it can seem a little daunting to achieve. We are all pressed for time and sometimes feel less sparkly. That's how I was feeling before I gave my blog a little visual face lift but ore so a content one.

 So my goal? Glamour and style fast. It's going to be a journey of learning more, becoming more well rounded and appreciating the little things. I'll be sharing easy and fast how-to's on making life just a smidge easier and more shiny. Fast meals, outfit how-to's, and other tips and tricks along the way. All in all effortless chic and a tip of the hat to old school glam.

 I am so excited to share this new venture with you and am thankful you stopped by!