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Improving Your Own Style

Hello and Happy Monday!

I'm starting this week with some serious ways to improve the style you already have.  Before I say this let me first say that each persons style is their own and if you love it then that is simply that. But here are five fashion tips that could help you elevate your current style. 

1. You're dressed head to toe in all the current trends. It's just too much. Pick a favorite trend and only wear that. For example, I've always loved bee's but thanks to Gucci they are everywhere! And my Steve Madden flats are my go to shoe at the moment but they make a pretty big statement. So when I wear them I tone down everything else. 

2. Pick an era you love and emulate it. I love a more edgy glam look myself so I've always been drawn to the Gatsby Era and the 50's when people actually cared about what they looked like. Again with the over doing it, I know someone who just loves the 60's and why wouldn't you? It was an amazing time. But she'll wear a birdcage on her head every day. It's a bit much. Blend your right now style with the era you love. 

3. Don't panic shop. This was a lesson I absolutely learned the hard way. You've got an event coming up but you put off getting something to wear until the last minute and before you know it you're sweaty in a dressing room hating everything or paying $35 for overnight shipping on something you aren't even sure about. The fix? Shop all the time! Kidding. I can see my MK cringing reading that. So maybe not all the time but always stay on the lookout for a great dress that you love, or amazing pieces that you know you can make a great look out of. 

4. Only wear things you love. I've purchased things that I thought could work you know if I put it with this or that. I didn't love the fabric but it could work. Turns out not so much. I never wear those pieces because I didn't love them. Buy what you truly love. Your wallet and closet space will thank you. 

5. Wear things over again. This is something that I really had to work on myself. I have an off white coat that I deeply love and wear it all the time. Its a huge cold weather staple for me. From helicopter dates, exploring Paris, or just a night out. Learn to love your staples!


So I pray your coffee is really hot but not too hot and your day goes smoothly. 


Jumping Into Spring

When MK and I bought our house, there were a lot of things to think about and look at. Since it was October when we decided to make the move one thing we wern't thinking about was the massive amount of landscaping that came with this house. We will be here two years in th Fall and we still haven't had a chance to tackle all of it. 

We love being outside and when the weather breaks we can't wait to get outside. You have have seen this K in some of my posts. This was our last year project and I'm finally around to showing you how we did it. We wanted something a little different besides flower after flower so we came up with the idea to do a "K" in our mulch. You don't need a lot of landscaping to personalize your yard. Maybe just a smidge of patience. Which is exactly why MK did most of it. 

On to this cozy dress and my latest project. As you know I love to cook and there is nothing like cooking with fresh ingredients. I call this my "Cookin' Box". All the herbs I need to get busy in the kitchen. It's an easy project that is so worth doing. Simply choose your favorite herbs to cook with. I picked Basil (my favorite!), Thyme, Rosemary, and Dill. I keep my herb box in the sunroom so it gets plenty of light.  

On to the dress. This JustFab number is so perfect for being outside in the garden or sipping some drinks with friends on the patio. Throw some heels on to dress it up or forget the shoes all together and be barefoot and fancy free in this beautiful spring weather!

Enjoy your Monday pretties! It's going to be beautiful!


Just Get Me A Really Big Closet

Fast Fashionista turns three today!

First of all, thank you to all of my readers and supporters. You all mean the world to me. I love that my little hobby/labor of love has been a place for you to come to. Be it fashion or food or whatever else I'm glad you're here for the ride. I thought this would be the perfect time to share my dressing room with you.

 Before I say anything else let me take you to a cold November day when we were buying our house. "Babe I found your closet" he says after the inspection. Mk knew while we were looking that I needed two things 1) a dressing room and 2) a huge bathtub. I had plans of making one of our bedrooms into my closet. But with MK's idea we decided to roll with it and do the attic. Once we got our ducks in a row, my sweet Dad built stairs to the attic in one of our small rooms, and construction started in August of last year. I know you're going to ask so yes, I very much will miss the pink room with butterfly border.

Some of these are Iphone photos so bare with me.


So since this was just an attic there needed to be windows. It was amazing to watch our construction team put them in! One day there were no windows and just like that there were.


The contractors were in and out in two weeks and MK and I are all about DIY and we painted and painted and painted...and then painted more.

Not only did my sweet Dad build the steps he also helped MK while he put the floor down. I helped some too!


The floor was done and I couldn't have been happier with my choice. It was time to start building wardrobes. Before we started weddings and every free second we had it was building the wardrobes.


Once the wardrobes were done it was all about the island assembly. Thank goodness for this man of mine because I would not have had the patience or building smarts for that matter. Perla was always there to assist. 


Building three chandeliers took up a lot of time but we got it done.


It took three months to finish the closet and I was in by the end of October. I wanted to get some final details complete before posting it online. Here are pictures we just took yesterday. Let me know what you think?

I'm so happy to be able to share this with you. I want to take a quick second and thank my Husband for putting so much time and effort into this project all to make me happy. I lucked out that for sure. Thank you MK!

Just get me a really big closet...
— Carrie Bradshaw