My Martini Moment

The Extra Bloody Mary

Happy Friday to all of you!

Short, sweet, and to the point today! As I’ve said about a hundred times I love a theme. Since I did a Brunch recipe on Wednesday, I figured the right thing to do was have a drink for Brunch, too! Now I’ll be very honest I only do a Bloody Mary two ways. They are thrown together in about one minute with tomato juice, Tabasco, Worcestershire, a dash of lemon juice, and of course vodka. I don’t measure anything either. The other kind I make is a little…extra.

For this one I add everything to a cocktail shaker full of ice and pour into a glass of ice. You don’t have to get as garnish crazy as I did but please feel free.

Enjoy the weekend!

A Classic Summer Spritz

Happy Friday!

By now you may know that I love a theme. On Wednesday I shared an Epic Lobster Roll to kick off Summer which starts Sunday. So I thought what about a perfect Summer cocktail? I decided to go with an absolute classic. It’s chic, very easy, and perfect for sipping on these hot days!

Aperol is an Italian drink (which is why Prosecco is used) introduced in 1919 and is made of gentian, rhubarb, and cinchona, along with some other things.

what you do:

All you do if fill a wine glass with ice, add all ingredients, stir well, and garnish with orange wheel and fresh rosemary!

Enjoy this first summer weekend and Happy fathers Day to all the Dads!

Strawberry Citrus Champagne Punch

Happy Mother’s Day Weekend to all the Mama’s out there!

I have the perfect recipe for Mother’s Day brunch or even for patio sipping…

I chose a champagne recipe for today because not only is it my fabulous Godmom/Aunt Mia’s birthday it is also our sweet Husky Perla Blue’s 6th birthday! It surly is a day to celebrate in our house, so bubbly it is!

what you do:

Make a simple syrup with the water and sugar (or buy your own for a quicker recipe). Add everything to a pitcher but only add champagne when you are ready to serve.

Thank you for tuning in during Cocktail Week on Fast Fashionista! I had a blast making all of these drinks to share with you.

Have a wonderful weekend!