Garden — Blog — Fast Fashionista


Jumping Into Spring

When MK and I bought our house, there were a lot of things to think about and look at. Since it was October when we decided to make the move one thing we wern't thinking about was the massive amount of landscaping that came with this house. We will be here two years in th Fall and we still haven't had a chance to tackle all of it. 

We love being outside and when the weather breaks we can't wait to get outside. You have have seen this K in some of my posts. This was our last year project and I'm finally around to showing you how we did it. We wanted something a little different besides flower after flower so we came up with the idea to do a "K" in our mulch. You don't need a lot of landscaping to personalize your yard. Maybe just a smidge of patience. Which is exactly why MK did most of it. 

On to this cozy dress and my latest project. As you know I love to cook and there is nothing like cooking with fresh ingredients. I call this my "Cookin' Box". All the herbs I need to get busy in the kitchen. It's an easy project that is so worth doing. Simply choose your favorite herbs to cook with. I picked Basil (my favorite!), Thyme, Rosemary, and Dill. I keep my herb box in the sunroom so it gets plenty of light.  

On to the dress. This JustFab number is so perfect for being outside in the garden or sipping some drinks with friends on the patio. Throw some heels on to dress it up or forget the shoes all together and be barefoot and fancy free in this beautiful spring weather!

Enjoy your Monday pretties! It's going to be beautiful!


Planting Possibilities

Two things are for certain, I love projects and making things my own. This time of year it's so easy to get completely lose in Home Depot. Which was exacty what I did this past weekend. So I am dedicating this week to those of us with a green thumb.  

This project is fast, easy, and rather beautiful. You can find these blank canvas pots at of course Home Depot. You can use a regular clay pot too but then they are white you'll probably only need one coat of spray paint.

Speaking of spray paint pick your colors. I went with complimentory ones. I seriously love these colors together! 

Boom. The plain white pots went from blah to so colorful! This is such a fun little project I just had to share!  

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend! Cheers to a summer full of beautiful flowers and even more DIY's! 

Perfect Patio Plants

A big sigh of relief that it is that time of year to be outside!  Well for me that only really extends to the patio. My fabulous "warm weather glass" that says "I'm outdoorsy in that I like to get drunk on patios" really sums me up. MK knows me well. 

Anywho, since I like many others love my patio I wanted to give you a sneak peak at mine and share some plants that grow well on them. Every year MK and I make our little slice of heaven filled with plants and flowers. There is nothing better than spending 12+ hours shooting a wedding to come home to a lush, cozy patio where the wine is flowing. Right, back to plants. Here is a list of the ones you just need on your outdoor lounging area:



Herbs- Although not colorful they are one of my favorites because I'll cook with them. My favorites to have on hand are mint, rosemary, always always basil. But create your own favorite mix and have a reason to throw some chicken on the grill make some rosemary chicken for dinner.

Clematis- This brings back memories (as do herbs) of my childhood and I just love to look at them. I always have them growing up one of the posts of my patio. Just wrap a string around the post so that they have something to hold on to.

Citronella- Is there anything more annoying than mosquito's when you are attempting to enjoy the outdoors and your drink? A Citronella plant will keep those nasty little buggers away. Maybe get two.

Below, is my favorite flower on the patio wall. It's small, colorful and adorable!
